

Huang, Hsiou-Cheng

黃秀珍 教授

Email: hchuang@dragon.nchu.edu.tw


Office phone: (04) 2284-0328 ext.631

Lab phone: (04) 2284-0328 ext.632


  • B.S. 國立中興大學 植物病理學系1980
  • M.S. 國立中興大學 植物病理學研究所1982
  • Ph.D. 國康乃爾大學(Cornell University) 植物病理學 1991


  • 研究助理 亞洲蔬菜研究發展中心 1982/07-1985/07
  • 博士後研究員 美國加州大學柏克萊分校 (University of California, Berkeley) 1991/03-1991/07
  • 副教授 國立中興大學 遺傳工程中心 1991/08-1998/07
  • 訪問學者 法國農業部 Toulouse INRA-CNRS 1993/11-1994/02
  • 副教授 國立中興大學 (農業)生物科技學研究所1998/08-1999/07
  • 訪問學者 日本北海道大學理學部 2001/08-2001/10
  • 教授 國立中興大學 生物科技學研究所 1999/08-2019/08
  • 教授兼所長 國立中興大學 生物科技學研究所 2017/08-2019/07



本研究室的研究內容主要以分子遺傳學探討植物病原菌Pseudomonas syringae pv. averrhoi (楊桃細菌性斑點病菌) 及Acidovorax avenae subsp citrulli (瓜類果斑病菌) 的Hrp/Hrc/Hop/Avr等蛋白質,在與寄主植物發生交互作用所扮演的角色。 一群Hrp/Hrc蛋白質主要是構成細菌的第三型分泌系統,而此分泌系統可將細菌所製造的有效蛋白 (effectors, eg. Hop proteins) 及harpin等蛋白分泌於胞外,甚至傳送有效蛋白至植物細胞質內,改變寄主的生理作用,以致促進病菌的繁殖及產生病徵,最終導致寄主死亡。另外也評估利用病菌所產生的harpin蛋白,以轉殖植物的方式,促進植物的抗病性之潛力。

Molecular mechanisms of phytobacterial pathogenesis

The aim of our research is to investigate biological functions of the Hrp/Hrc/Hop/Avr/Hpa proteins ofPseudomonas syringae pv. averrhoi (a pathogen of starfruit) and Acidovorax avenae subsp citrulli (a pathogen of cucurbit) on pathogenesis. These pathogens contain a Type III secretion apparatus encoded by hrc/hrp genes, which can secrete harpins into media and translocate hop/hpa/avr-coding effectors into their host cells.  Those Hop/Hpa/Avr proteins can manipulate the biochemical or physiological reactions of their infected plants, resulting in susceptible or resistant responses. Harpin proteins produced by phytobacteria can induce the resistant response, therefore, we now investigate the potential application of harpin proteins in inducing resistance to bacterial diseases of economic crops.


  1. Kuo SY, Lin YC, Lai YC, Liao JT, Hsu YH, Huang HC*, Hu CC. 2018. Production of fluorescent antibody-labeling proteins in plants using a viral vector and the application in the detection of Acidovorax citrulli and Bamboo mosaic virus. PLoS One 13(2):e0192455.
  2. Wei CF, Tsai YH, Tsai SH, Lin CS, Chang CJ, Lu CC, Huang HC, and Lai HC. 2017. Cross-talk between bacterial two-component systems drives stepwise regulation of flagellar biosynthesis in swarming development. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 489(1):70-75.
  3. Huang YC, Lin YC, Wei CF, Deng WL, and Huang HC*. 2016. The pathogenicity factor HrpF interacts with HrpA and HrpG to modulate T3SS function and t3ss expression in Pseudomonas syringae pv. averrhoi. Mol. Plant Pathol. 17(7):1080-94.
  4. Chang SC, Deng WL, Huang HC, Chung KR, Tzeng KC. 2016. Differential expression of pectolytic enzyme genes in Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri and demonstration that pectate lyase Pel3 is required for the formation of citrus canker. Microbiol Res. 192:1-10.
  5. Wei C-F, Hsu S-T, Deng W-L, Wen Y-D, and Huang H-C*. 2012. Plant innate immunity induced by flagellin suppresses the hypersensitive response in non-host plants elicited by Pseudomonas syringae pv. averrhoi. PLoS One. (7):e41056.
  6. Lin R-H, Peng C-W, Lin Y-C, Peng H-L, and Huang H-C*. 2011. The XopE2 effector protein of Xanthomonas campestris pv. vesicatoria is involved in virulence and in the suppression of the hypersensitive response. Botanical Studies. 52:55-72.
  7. Cheng CH, Yang CA, Liu SY, Lo CT, Huang HC, Liao FC, Peng KC. 2011. Cloning of a novel L-amino acid oxidase from Trichoderma harzianum ETS 323 and bioactivity analysis of overexpressed L-amino acid oxidase. J Agric Food Chem. 59(17):9142-9.
  8. Tseng J-M, Huang J-R, Huang H-C, Tzen JTC, Chou W-M, and Peng C-C. 2011. Facilitative production of an antimicrobial peptide-royalisin and its antibody via an artificial oil body system. Biotechnol. Prog. 27(1):153-161.
  9. Deng W-L, Lin Y-C, Lin R-H, Wei C-F, Peng H-L, Huang Y-C, and Huang H-C*. 2010. Effects of galU mutation on Pseudomonas syringae-plant interactions. Mol. Plant-Micro. Interact. 23:1184-1196.
  10. Chu M-K, Lin L-F, Twu C-S, Lin R-H, Lin Y-C, Hsu S-T, Tzeng K-C, and Huang H-C*. 2010. Unique features of Erwinia chrysanthemi (Dickeya dadantii) RA3B genes involved in the blue indigoidine production. Microbiol. Res. 165(6):483-495.
  11. Ramos AR, Morello JE, Ravindran S, Deng W-L, Huang H-C, and Collmer A. 2007. Identification of Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae 61 type III secretion system Hrp proteins that can travel the type III pathway and contribute to the translocation of effector proteins into plant cells. J. Bacteriol. 189:5773-5778.
  12. Wei C-F, Kvitko BH, Shimizu R, Crabill E, Alfano JR, Lin N-C, Martin GB, Huang H-C, and Collmer A. 2007. Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato DC3000 mutant lacking the type III effector HopQ1-1 is able to cause disease in the model plant Nicotiana benthamiana. The Plant J. 51:32-46.
  13. Lin Y-C, Hsu S-T, and Huang H-C*. 2006. Evidence for the interaction between HrpT and HrcC of Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae 61. Plant Pathol. Bull. (Taiwan) 15:171-185.
  14. Lin Y-C, Hu Y-M, Hsu S-T, Tzeng K-C, and Huang H-C*. 2006. Cloning and characterization of exchangeable effector locus of Pseudomonas syringae pv. averrhoi, a new pathogen on Averrhoa carambola. Plant Pathol. Bull. (Taiwan) 15:139-152.
  15. Wei C-F, Deng W-L, and Huang H-C*. 2005. A chaperone-like HrpG protein acts as a suppressor of HrpV in regulation of the Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae type III secretion system. Mol. Microbiol. 57:520-536
  16. Chung W-C, Huang H-C, Chiang B-T, and Huang J-W. 2005. Inhibition of Soil-borne plant pathogens by the treatment of sinigrin and myrosinases released from reconstructed Escherichia coli and Pichia pastoris. Biocontrol Science and Technology (BST) 15:455-465.
  17. Lin Y-H, Chang S-C, Tsai Y-L, Hsu S-T, Huang H-C, and Tzeng K-C. 2004. Effect of cyanogenic Pseudomonas aeruginosa on the growth of plant bacteria. Plant Pathol. Bull. (Taiwan) 13:211-218.
  18. Lin Y-H, Hsu S-T, Huang H-C, and Tzeng K-C. 2004. Cloning of plcSR genes from foliar Pseudomonas aeruginosa WFP11r and the role of hemolytic phospholipase C in pathogenesis on plants. Plant Pathol. Bull. (Taiwan) 13:183-190.
  19. Chiang B-T and Huang H-C*. 2003. Expression of rca gene in Chenopodium quinoa during the hypersensitive response induced by Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae. Plant Pathol. Bull. (Taiwan) 12:93-102.